Enjoy every moment in Namibia


冷やし中華 for the first time♪


Yesterday Ms.Sesiria made me this dinner! It was really nice! There was non alcohol champagne! I surprised. Eating meal with someone makes me happy. I want to eat meal with her again and I want to cook for her. 



Today, I visited 4B's math class. It was a lesson of perimeter. 


She is calculating with circles. The formula was "80+80+55+55" something like this. It means she was writing all circles of these! This is normal way in Bunya. It took too much time and easy to make mistake. I want to make the practice to use calculation with figures(筆算) not only in my class but also in all upper primary classes. 



On the way to my home, I found mini mini Goat! ミニミニやぎ子! So cute!! 


冷やし中華♡ 美味すぎる!