Then we backed to Bunya. From the morning, we couldn’t use water. Even when we backed at night, water didn’t come. It’s just one day, but no water means we can’t take shower, can’t cook enough, can’t wash clothes, can’t wash dishes, can’t flash the toilet. I can’t imagine there are volunteers who live without water for 3 days or something. Fortunately, the tap that located in the garden of mission was ruining. So we fetched water and we could take shower. Thank you water! But when we can’t use water, we can wash dishes with minimum amount of water. We can wash dishes with just one or two scoop of water. I knew that I used too much water every day. But I will forget it when I can use water freely. I want to save water as much as possible.
At night we watched “La la land” with Marawi shandy. It was a good time.